August Weather in Playa Las Tortugas

August is a special, deep tropical time to visit Playa Las Tortugas, Mexico. The days are typically sunny, hot (in the 90s), and humid with occasional thunderstorms late in the day. Fortunately, the weather in August brings sunny skies 80% of the days you visit. There is usually only light wind in August, except during the often spectacular thunderstorms. The water temperatures are wonderful in the mid-80s. Most visitors find the August heat to be a little shocking at first but then adapt after a few days. Air conditioning is important, wherever you stay to afford a break from the heat and ensure a good night's sleep.

Playa Las Tortugas Thunderstorms are Amazing

Almost every day you will see spectacular storm clouds build late in the day above the Sierra Madre mountains, which form a chain down the middle of Mexico. Perhaps one out of every four days the clouds progress far enough out from the mountains towards the beaches to deliver rain. The storms may reach the coast a few days in a row, while during other stretches the storms will remain in the mountains for a week or more without breaking through. Almost every day in August you will see lightning and hear distant thunder from out over the mountains, but may or may not receive rain. Regardless, Playa Las Tortugas weather in August is always a beautiful show.

When one of the storms arrives you will be treated to spectacular lightning, surprising booms of thunder, and potentially large amounts of rain. During these weather events, several inches of rain may fall in a short period of time. It is important to stay safe during the August thunderstorms by staying off the beach and other open areas. It’s best to watch the storms from the safety of your villa.

August Hurricanes

August weather marks the mid-point of the hurricane season in Nayarit and all along the Pacific coast of Mexico. However, the chances of a hurricane affecting your stay in Nayarit are very small. A very general estimate is that a hurricane may affect the area where you are staying in Nayarit once every 10 years. That means the typical traveler who stays in Playa Las Tortugas for one or two weeks during the course of the five-month hurricane season could estimate there is a low single-digit chance their trip will be impacted by a hurricane or tropical storm.

The Weather on a Typical August Day

The weather in the mornings in August is usually pleasant with warm humidity. While the sun is low, this is a good time to enjoy the outdoors as the Mexico countryside is lush from the August evening rains. As the afternoon arrives temperatures climb into the 90s.

Mid-day is a good time to relax in the shade or take your siesta. Emerging again in the late afternoon or early evening you will feel the lazy heat of the weather in August. And with the sun dipping toward the horizon over the Pacific Ocean, it’s a wonderful time of the day to go to the beach. By now you will already see billowing clouds over the Nayarit mountains. The sun will light them up in a fascinating display of summer weather. As night falls temperatures gradually cool into the 70s but it will likely remain warm all night. Find a good spot to watch the stars or, if you’re treated to a distant thunderstorm, watch the lightning flicker and light up the sky.

We spend many summers in Playa Las Tortugas and it’s a unique experience our family enjoys.

Nature Awakens in August Weather

Everything grows with the sun and rain of August. The entire Mexican countryside turns a vibrant green. Plant life even grows out onto the margins of the beaches as the flowering vines reach toward the ocean. The sea turtles take their queue from the weather to emerge from the ocean to lay their eggs high up on Playa Las Tortugas’ beaches. If you’re walking at night keep an eye out for a mother turtle digging her nest, and please give her plenty of space. You may also be treated to a nest of turtles hatching. Early in the morning, once in a while, you may see maybe turtles dig their way out of the sand and head toward the water. A special experience.

Mosquitos also thrive during August, but just as a minor inconvenience. They won’t affect you at the beach, so it’s only if you’re spending time near lawns or gardens that you should use insect repellent. The same goes for “no-see-ums” which are small biting flies. They aren’t a big deal but if you’re not aware you can get annoying bites.


Playa Las Tortugas Weather in February


Fall in Playa Las Tortugas