Summer in Playa Las Tortugas

This was our first trip to Playa Las Tortugas in the summer. We spent two weeks in July and August.

Our previous visits were in Feb and April when the weather is best described as “Mediterranean” with blue skies, temps in the mid to upper 70s, and no rain at all. This trip was truly tropical, and we loved it! The temps hit 90 and it was humid, but the ocean water was just so warm. Everything so green. Flowers blooming, cicadas buzzing, evening thunderstorms booming…


  • A true tropical experience with hot, humid August weather that we came to love (partly because the house has good air conditioning so you get a break from the heat when needed)

  • Booming thunderstorms in the evening every few days

  • Mostly sunny skies

  • Every morning you can see the tracks of sea turtles as they crawl up to lay their eggs on the beach.

  • Migration of the land crabs. They are dormant all winter and take refuge up to 5 miles inland, and return to the sea when the rains return. Thousands of them!

Looking forward to our next trip!


Fall in Playa Las Tortugas


Spring in Playa Las Tortugas