A brief summary of how we go about selecting and drinking tequila. We’re not tequila experts, but we’ve brought together what we think is a fun, authentic way to enjoy tequila from this region.

  • Solo.

    The popular barroom custom of taking salt and lime with tequila was a response to an early tequila boom that led to a proliferation of crudely made tequila. Salt and lime mask the taste of harsh tequila. Better to sip it pure.

  • Puro.

    About half of tequilas contain additives, which enable large brands to have every bottle look and taste exactly the same. But crafting tequila is a natural process with variability due to weather, soil, and microbes in the air. We vote for 0% additives so you’re drinking pure, distinctive tequila.

  • Family owned.

    We like to find family-owned tequila where the agave is grown onsite. No celebrity endorsements or ownership by corporations. Just great tequila made locally in small batches by folks who love tequila. And this way the benefit of our purchases stays in the community.

  • Copitas.

    Rather than taking a shot of tequila, try sipping it. Higher quality tequila should be smoother and tastier. Better yet, sip it from a traditional “mezcal copita”. We have a set at the house in La Villa Reyes. The open cup enables you to better smell the tequila, and it’s just a pleasant way to drink it. About 2 oz. is enough per cup.